Thursday, November 11, 2010

kita mohon ilmu kita dirahmati-Nya


maaf kerna blog ini telah terlalu usang. maka ambil kesempatan di sini untuk memohon maaf.

ingin aku bercakap lagi tentang pelajaran perubatan.

terkadang kita berusaha, namun usaha kita tidak membawa kita ke mana, result masih sama.
terkadang juga kita tak berusaha, dan maka hasilnya juga adalah sedemikian rupa.

aku tersentuh dengan sebuah perbualan seorang rakanku bersama ibunya.

pelajar: Ummi, abang cuma dapat B dalam pathology sem lepas. dah study dah, tapi tak dapat A jugak.

Ummi: tak mengapa anakku, yang penting bukan bilangan A, tapi pada setiap ilmu yang membawa kita lebih dekat dengan Allah SWT. kalau A kita banyak tapi masih jauh kita dengan Allah, apa gunanya? biarlah setiap ayat yang kita hafal itu, kita syukuri dan berharap bahwa ilmu itu diberkati, dan malah membawa kita selangkah dekat kepada-Nya.

pelajar: terima kasih ummi. insyaAllah abang akan berusaha lagi. doakan abang, mak.

Ummi: insyaAllah, ummi sentiasa doakan anak-anak ummi..

apa yang dikata ummi memang benar. kita sebagai pelajar dan juga khalifah di muka bumi ini. bukan setakat kita menghafal segala ilmu dengan membuta tuli untuk lulus periksa dunia, tapi biarlah setiap ilmu itu bertindak menjadi cahaya yang menerangi hati dan dada kita yang kosong dan gelap.

dan tidak lupa juga bidang ilmu yang lain. astronomi, fizik, arkitektual, perakaunan, teknologi maklumat, fotografi dan sebagainya. anggaplah segala ilmu yang kita kecapi sebagai satu anugerah dari illahi dan dengan itu dapatlah kita mendekatkan diri kepada-Nya. insyaAllah.

hati kita kosong, kosong tanpa amalan.
hati kita gelap, gelap kerna dosa.

biarlah ilmu yang dituntut menjadi sumbu pelita yang menerangi dada, iman, akal, dan fikiran. insyaAllah..

selamat hari raya aidil adha.

kullu am wanta bikhair...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

seronok juga jadi dokter


gambar ini menarik

selamat menghadapi exam midterm~!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

to award those who inspire us

the night to celebrate those who really struggle to the top and truly shows everybody that they want to get to the top and they really want to win.

this is an advertising technique.. cuz pple thot tht this event wud b boring.. while theyre NOT!!

so basically we had to put the main attraction big,

then only people would come. well, hopefully.

its the first function ever to gather all the 2nd year students in a same place to enjoy themselves.

i wouldn't miss this chance.

*would there be an extra award for the BEST NASI LEMAK???

Thursday, April 1, 2010


berikut ialah masa berjalan secara lenggang, bersahaja dan tenang daripada beberapa destinasi terpilih:

kuliah lama >> kubri gamaah >> 30 minit

sporting >> kubri gamaah >> 20 minit

kubri gamaah >> kuliah baru >> 16-20 minit

kenapa berjalan baik untuk anda?

1.risiko menghidap penyakit jantung kurang.
2.tak perlu bayar tambang.

untuk kuliah lain, yang anda hanya perlukan masa 5 minit untuk sampai ke kuliah, anda perlu cari sekolah perubatan berasrama penuh.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

aku sumpah seranah akan medic! lantas Allah kasi petunjuk sebijik

i was on my way to my practical class.

i damned all the things that i saw that morning.

i damned myself for even have to take medic.

i damned myself of being in a medic school.

i saw other students, their faces are so happy.

carrying black tubes of paper, and rulers of T,

i simply envy them, and wish i were in their shoes.

i said, waht d f, how come im not one of them?

how come that i'm placed in a medic school?

why cant i just study how to drove a plane,
and be a pilot perhaps.

why didnt i study architecture,
and probably make lots and tons of money even before i grew old.

isnt being anyone also can save a life?

y shud i b a doctor just to save a life?

a pilot flies plane, ang he carry with him lives of hundreds.

everyday also, people deal with life, their life and others whom they love.

so i still damn myself of being in a med school.



a man, around 40+ face turns red, totally congested, hold on to his chest and gasping for air. his legs were pale and his eyes starts to be watery.

another man came and pat his face. waking him up.

4-5 men came and raise him up.

its myocardial infarction.

so i stood, 1 meter from them,

doing nothing.

yeah, a medical student that is incapable of doing nothing.
that is freaking sucks!!

that sucks.

so there u hav it.

its like a brick falls from the clouds to yer head.

owh wait, maybe its bigger than a brick.

but that totally didnt kill me.

as for so, im still alive, yeah, ok continue. study.

i need to save a life tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the thing we work for backfires

hey everyone. looks like everyone are being persistant in this 2nd sem.
i cud see more new faces at the library, revising lectures, the figures who sleep during lectures is less now,
the attendance is encouraging, and much else.

with that, i say congratulations.

and besides, not just for whut i just mentioned above,
but for the work that u had put in ur organisation.
yup, thats right, im talking about PERUBATAN. it has been a buzy time for us. hectic, may i say.
as everyone also is taking part in a wholesome lot of event that would be happening during this short while.
activities like Byte Muslim, Kelas Fiqh, KSPCI10, BOOM!2, Multimedia whatever and so much else.

whut i see from this is like this thing backfires us.
cuz d only one who is involved in this wholesome lot of activities seems like the same person.
and yeah, they seems promising, bright face, good personality, can do the job such as typing articles, making tables, organizing a meeting and such.

and all of u may hav heard child labour and have u heard about hardworkers labour?

c'mon.. u knoe that he is good in graphics, while she can do typing stuff, and he could organize a meeting..
but why not someone else? yeahh, get a whole new army, new recruits, those hardworkers have work hard enough. give them a rest already.


not me. im just going to seat in front of my laptop and play CS3. while my hardworking friend is working so hard for the organisation that we all love so much.

and yeah, that is about all. good luck r korg for all the activities that u guys anjurkan.

my pray is that each and everyone of them would be a success.

and may Allah make it all easier for u guys.

Rabbi yassir wala tu assir.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010